Saint Matthew’s Lodge By-Laws
Last Amended 12/03/2015
Section 1. Saint Matthew's Lodge shall consist of a Master, Senior and Junior Warden, Treasurer and Secretary, Assistant Treasurer, Assistant Secretary, and Proxy to Grand Lodge who shall be chosen by ballot at the Regular Communication of Saint Matthew's Lodge held on the second Monday of June in each year; a Chaplain, Marshal, Senior and Junior Deacon, Senior and Junior Steward, Inside Sentinel, Organist and Tyler who shall be appointed by the Worshipful Master; and such other members as the Lodge shall admit. (Amended 6/8/15)
Section 2. The Master-Elect of Saint Matthew's Lodge shall choose a date on which the Officers of Saint Matthew's Lodge, both elected and appointed, shall be installed in their respective offices, which date shall not be before the Annual Communication of Saint Matthew's Lodge, nor later than the Regular November Communication of Saint Matthew’s Lodge. (Amended 6/9/10)
The Treasurer shall hold all investment securities of the various funds of the Lodge. He shall keep a just and regular account of all monies received and paid to him by the Secretary on account of the Lodge and shall pay out these monies only on the written approval of the Master and Wardens. He shall exhibit to the Auditors, by September 22nd of each year, a statement of the funds of the Lodge. He shall give a Surety bond to the Lodge for the faithful discharge of his duties in such sum as the Lodge shall direct, the expense of such bond to be borne by the Lodge. The funds shall not be loaned to any person or persons whatever. When a new Treasurer is installed, the retiring Treasurer shall deliver to his successor in office al of the property of the Lodge in his possession. He shall receive such compensation as the Lodge may determine at each Annual Communication. (Amended 6/8/15)
The Secretary shall carefully observe and keep a faithful record of the proceedings of each communication, collect the monies due the Lodge and pay the same without delay to the Treasurer. He shall conduct the correspondence under the direction of the Master, and notify the Master and Wardens of every Regular Communication of the Grand Lodge. He shall by September 22nd of each year, render a regular account to the Auditors, attend all their meetings when called upon and furnish them with such statements as they may from time to time require. He shall issue summonses when directed by the Master, notify each candidate of his election and when to present himself for the several degrees and perform all such other duties as may be assigned to him by the
Master. He shall present all bills to the Master and Wardens for approval prior to submitting them to the Treasurer for payment. The seal of the Lodge shall be confided to his special care. He shall, at the expiration of his term of office, transfer all books, papers and other property subject to his guardianship to his successor in office. The compensation of the Secretary shall be based upon the number of members as shown by the Secretary's annual report. He shall receive such compensation as the Lodge may determine at each Annual Communication. (Amended 6/8/15)
It shall be the duty of the Organist to attend all communications of the Lodge, to preside at the organ, and for the faithful performance of his duties he shall receive such compensation as the Lodge may determine at each Annual Communication.
The Tyler shall see that the hall is in a suitable condition for meetings and that the jewels, clothing and other property are laid out in good order and returned to their rightful place. He shall receive such compensation as the Lodge may determine at each Annual Communication.
Section 1. Any Master Mason made in this Lodge becomes a member by signing the By-Laws.
Section 2. A Master Mason desiring to affiliate with this Lodge shall make application in the proper form, accompanied with a deposit of $10.00 ($15.00 if he has not contributed to the Charitable Funds of the Massachusetts Grand Lodge) and if he receives a unanimous ballot he shall, by signing the By-Laws, become a member.
Section 3. No brother withdrawing from this Lodge can again become a member without being proposed and balloted for, subject to the provisions of the Grand Constitutions.
A Nominating Committee consisting of three members will be appointed by the Master for the Elections conducted at the Regular Communication held on the second Monday of June in each year and for the Elections conducted at the Annual Communication. Candidates for the positions of Treasurer, Secretary, Assistant Treasurer, Assistant Secretary, Proxy to Grand Lodge, and one or more Auditors shall be recommended by the Nominating Committee for the elections held in June; any other candidates may also be nominated from the floor. Candidates for the various Committees
and Trustees elected at the Annual Communication shall also be recommended by the Nominating Committee and any other candidates may be nominated from the floor. (Selection of candidates for the positions of Master, Senior Warden and Junior Warden will not be a task of the Nominating Committee.) (Amended 6/9/10, 6/8/15)
The Finance Committee will consist of the Master, Wardens and Treasurer (or Assistant Treasurer in the absence of the Treasurer), and three members of the Lodge skilled in business or finance, appointed by the Master for staggered terms of three years. The three appointed members shall not be reappointed for an additional term without a waiting period of one year. This Committee will furnish financial advice and counsel to the Master, the Lodge, and all Committees and Trustees when required and will exercise management and control of the Permanent Fund of the Lodge. This advice and counsel may include, but shall not be limited to, preparing budgets, analyzing annual reports from Auditors, Trustees and Committees, investing funds of the Lodge, insurance matters and dues and assessments on the members of the Lodge. (Amended 5/28/92, 6/8/15)
There shall be appointed by the Master, annually, a Visitation Committee consisting of five or more members whose duties it shall be to visit brethren in their homes, hospitals, and nursing homes that may be suffering disability arising g from health, age or economic conditions which deny them the ability to participate regularly in Lodge activities or meet their financial obligations. The results shall be reported to the Secretary and the Master. The Master may call for a report to the Lodge. Brothers and their families living outside the local area maybe contacted by phone or other means appropriate. (Amended 6/4/12, 6/8/15)
An Auditing Committee consisting of one or more members skilled in accounting and elected by the Lodge at the Regular Communication in June, shall audit the accounts of the Treasurer, Secretary, Committee Treasurers and Trustees at the close of the fiscal year (defined as Sept. 1 to Aug. 31) and shall report to the Lodge in writing at the Annual Communication. (Amended 5/28/92)
Section 1. The Permanent Fund shall be called "The Permanent Fund of St. Matthew's Lodge". The fund shall consist of all monies and property as may be donated, given, bequested, or appropriated by vote of the Lodge into this fund. The average annual income for the past 5 years (interest, dividends and realized capital gains) of this fund,
may be used for the benefit of the Lodge in any given year, subject to a majority vote of the Lodge members present at a Regular Communication, without necessity of written notice to the members. The unexpended income (interest, dividends and realized capital gains) after expenditures, if any, shall, at the end of each fiscal year, be added to and become part of the principal. The principal of said fund, or any part thereof, shall never be expended except by vote of two-thirds of the members present at a Stated Communication, the Lodge members having been especially notified in writing of such proposed action, except for those expenditures that were made for the benefit of the Lodge which exceeded the current estimated income but do not exceed the average past 5 year income of the fund. (Amended 5/28/92, 9/11/02)
Section 2. The Permanent Fund shall be held in the name of the Master, Wardens and members of St. Matthew's Lodge. (Amended 5/28/92)
Section 3. The Finance Committee shall report their management of the Permanent Fund and its condition at the end of the fiscal year to the Lodge members at the Annual Communication. This report shall include but not be limited to: Beginning balance at cost; total income, showing additional capital through donations, given bequests, appropriations by vote of the Lodge, or unexpended income (interest, dividends and realized capital gains); expenditures; ending balance; listing of all investments with purchase price and current market value; and current market value of the investments (Amended 5/28/92, 9/11/02)
Section 1. The Benevolence Fund shall be used for the relief and assistance of Masons and their families and the support of the Charitable activities of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts.
Section 2. Requests for benevolence of up to a limit of $500.00 for a single family aggregate request or a single charitable activity of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts can be handled at the discretion of the Master. Request over this amount up to a limit of $2500.00 will be granted by the Master and the Board of Trustees of the Benevolence Fund. Requests over $2500.00 must be acted upon at a Stated Meeting of the Lodge through a vote of the Lodge on the recommendation of the Board of Trustees of the Benevolence Fund. At no time during a fiscal year will the fund be allowed to decrease below 75% of the value of that Fund at the beginning of that year. The Benevolence Fund shall be increased with all accumulations and additions to the same from any source whatever.
Section 3. The Board of Trustees of the Benevolence Fund shall maintain a separate book of accounts, elect a Treasurer, invest monies received and on hand, establish a checking account and shall make a financial report at the Annual Communication of the Lodge. The Benevolence Fund shall be held in the name of the Master, Wardens and Members of St. Matthew's Lodge but shall be under the administration and control of the Board of Trustees of the Fund consisting of three Lodge members. At each Annual Communication, the Lodge shall elect by ballot one member
for a term of three years. Should a vacancy occur in the Board of Trustees by reason of death or otherwise, it shall be filled by ballot at the next succeeding Stated Meeting, or as soon thereafter as may be practicable, due notice of the election carried in the Lodge Communication.
Section 1. The Educational Fund shall be held in the name of the Master, Wardens and members of St. Matthew's Lodge, but shall be managed by of a Board of Trustees consisting of five members of the Lodge of which the Master shall be a member ex-officio and, at each Annual Communication, the Lodge shall elect by ballot, one member for a term of four years. Should a vacancy occur in the Board of Trustees of the Fund, by reason of death or otherwise, it shall be filled by ballot, at the next succeeding stated meeting, or as soon thereafter as may be practicable, due notice of the election being carried in the Lodge Communication.
Section 2. This fund shall be used for educational purposes which shall include but not be limited to contributions to educational institutions, organizations or publications or other educational endeavors.
Section 3. The Trustees shall manage the investment of the Educational Fund and report their doings and the condition of said fund for the fiscal year at the Annual Communication.
6/8/15 The Lodge voted to strike Article XIV from the By-Laws of the Lodge
The Master shall appoint four members of the Lodge to be Building Trustees of Saint Matthew’s Lodge upon this Article becoming effective for the sole purpose of transferring title of the real property owned by the Lodge to Saint Matthews Building Association, Inc., including all necessary actions to accomplish same. Upon discharge of this duty, said Trustees shall be relieved of any further responsibilities.
In the event that any further issue should arise with title to the real property of the Lodge, wheter prior hereto, now or hereafter owned or acquired, the Master shall appoint four member of the Lodge to be Building Trustees of Saint Matthew’s Lodge who shall be entrusted with dealing with any such real property, including buildings, which are owned by the Lodge (which definition is acknowledged to excluding all property owned by Saint Matthews Building Association, Inc.).
No transfer of any real property, or any portion thereof, shall be authorized without a vote of two-thirds of the members present at a regular communication for which there had been written notice of the intended transfer in the notice for the regular communication at which the vote is to be taken. (New 6/9/10, On 6/8/15-The Lodge voted to stike this Article from the Lodge By-Laws)
Section 1. The purpose of the Service Committee is to further the interests of St. Matthew's Lodge through fund raisers, benefits and social activities such as Fraternity Night, Table Lodge, dances, breakfasts, etc. This Committee, through its activities, will promote the general welfare of Masonry as represented by St. Matthew's Lodge. The officers of this Committee shall consist of a Chairman, a Treasurer and a Secretary who shall be appointed by the Master upon his installation. The membership shall consist of all members of St. Matthew's Lodge. The Chairman of the Service Committee shall chair all meetings of the Committee and will be the representative of the Committee to the Lodge.
Section 2. The Treasurer shall keep a just and true account of all monies received and paid out. He shall give a surety Bond to the Lodge for the faithful discharge of his duties in such sum as the Lodge shall direct, the expense of such Bond to be borne by the Lodge. The Treasurer's books, papers, records and property shall be open to the inspection of any member of the Lodge and he shall exhibit a proper annual report to the Auditors as of August 31 of each year. The Treasurer shall pay out only such funds as are authorized by the Service Committee of St. Matthew's Lodge. The Secretary shall keep a full and accurate record of the proceedings of each meeting of the Service Committee and shall file a copy annually with the Secretary of the Lodge. The Master of St. Matthew's Lodge shall be an officer of the Service Committee ex-officio and will have the authority to overrule the Service Committee should a controversy arise.
Section 3. Service Committee meetings will normally be held the first Monday of every month except for the months of July and August.
Section 4. The Service Committee funds shall be held in a checking and/or savings account by the Treasurer of the Service Committee. All checks or vouchers drawn against this account shall bear the signature of the Treasurer or the Chairman of the Service Committee of St. Matthew's Lodge. Any individual disbursement in excess of $500.00 shall be permitted only upon a majority vote of the Service Committee at a regular meeting thereof and the check be signed by both the Treasurer and Chaiman of the Service Committee. (Amended 6/9/10)
The Regular Communication of the Lodge shall be held on the second Monday of every month, July and August excepted. Special Communications may be called at any time by the Master. Written or printed notices of such meetings shall be sent to every member. The Annual Communication shall be held on the first Wednesday in October. (Amended 6/9/10, 12/3/15)
An Application for the degrees may be made at any Regular Communication, and must being the form prescribed by the Grand Constitutions. On every application, a committee of three shall be appointed by the Master which shall make strict inquiries into the character and qualifications of the applicant, and shall report at the next regular Communication. No candidate shall receive the degrees in this Lodge except by the unanimous vote of the members present when the vote is taken. All balloting for degrees shall be done at a regular Communication, and at no other time; and every member present, unless excused by the Lodge, shall vote. The secrecy of the ballot shall be inviolate, and no member shall be inquired of by, or communicate to another how he voted.
The fee for the degrees (which shall be paid to the Secretary before receiving them) shall be the higher of the minimum amount required by the Constitutions of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts or $200.00: half of which shall be deposited with the application, the balance due prior to Initiation. No Entered Apprentice or Fellow Craft shall be advanced unless the Master and Wardens be satisfied that suitable proficiency has been made in the preceding degree(s). Amended 6/8/05, 6/4/12)
Section 1. Effective September 1, 2015 every member, except the Honorary Members, Life Members, and those exempt by special vote of the Lodge, shall pay dues in the amount of $110.00 per year. These dues shall be paid annually in September in advance, for the support of the Lodge for that fiscal year. (Amended 6/8/05, 6/9/10, 6/4/12, 7/17/15)
Section 2. Any member who shall neglect to pay his dues before the first day of May shall at once be notified, by certified mail, return receipt requested, to his last known address, that his name shall be presented at the Regular Communication in June for suspension. Additional costs incurred during the collection process shall be borne by the delinquent member. At the Regular Communication in June, the Lodge shall vote upon the suspension of such member as the Secretary's records shall show to be delinquent at that time.
Section 3. Any member of St. Matthew's Lodge in good standing may hereafter be exempt from payment of Annual Dues, but subject to any and all assessments levied by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts or by St. Matthew's Lodge, provided said member pay a sum of money to St. Matthew's Lodge in cash, not less than an amount representing the present value of an immediate life annuity, on his life computed in accordance with the Commissioners Standard Ordinary Life Insurance Experience Table of Mortality, on a single life at two percent interest, of an amount equal to the yearly dues of St. Matthew's Lodge at the time the deposit is make. All such payments made as heretofore provided in this section shall be placed in a separate fund, to be designated as the Annuity Membership Fund and no part of such membership fund shall be used except that for
each member who shall have made payment pursuant to this section, if living, a sum equal to the annual dues of such member at the time of such payment, may be withdrawn annually and used for the general support of St. Matthew's Lodge. Three members of St. Matthew's Lodge shall be elected as "Trustees of the Annuity Membership Fund". The said trustees shall have custody of the "Annuity Membership Fund" and shall cause all funds belonging to this account to be deposited in Massachusetts Savings Banks. The signature of two Trustees shall be required to withdraw any of the funds belonging to the "Annuity Membership Fund". One Trustees shall be elected annually for a period of three years. In the event of the death or disqualification of any trustee the Lodge shall elect a new trustee at its next Regular Communication to fulfill the unexpired term of the such trustee. As of August 31, 1989, no additional Life Memberships shall be permitted. Upon the death of the last surviving Life Member, the remaining monies in the Annuity Membership Fund shall be deposited in the Permanent Fund of St. Matthew's Lodge and Article XIX, Section 3 of these By-Laws shall cease to exist.
Section 4. Members with fifty or more years of active membership as a Master Mason without regard to Masonic Jurisdiction shall have at his discretion the option of being exempt from Section 1 of this Article. Any member of the Lodge that has reached the age of 80 years as of August 31st of a year shall have at his discretion the option of being exempt from Section 1 of this Article. This exception shall not apply to Grand Lodge dues. (Amended 5/28/92, 6/4/12, 6/8/15)
No Business other than that immediately concerning the Lodge, shall be permitted during Lodge hours, and each member is expected to give his undivided attention thereto, and cannot be permitted to interrupt the Lodge by attention thereto, and cannot be passing from one part of the hall to the other. No member or visiting brother shall pass out of the hall without intimating his wish to the Master, obtaining his consent, and giving the customary salutations. A violation of these rules will be subject to reprimand. The business transactions of the Lodge being designed to advance the interests of the institution, are upon no occasion to be spoken of to any who are not Master Masons; a violation of this may be subject for the action of the Lodge, and when an application for the degrees or membership has been negative, the rule applies with peculiar force.
Section 1. The Lodge shall be promptly opened at the specified hour, and the order of business shall be as follows:
Work, Reading of Minutes and Treasurer's Reports, Reports of Committees, Balloting, Reception of Applications, Old Business, New Business, Work.
All resolutions and all motions shall be submitted in writing, if the Master so requires.
Section 2. When a vote has passed, it shall be in order for any member who voted with majority, to move a reconsideration thereof at the same Communication: if made at the same communication, it shall not be entertained if there are a less number of members present, entitled to vote, than when it passed. When a motion for reconsideration is decided, that vote shall not be reconsidered. (6/8/15)
Section 3. Every member desiring to speak shall rise in his place, and address the Master; he shall not be interrupted, save on a question of order, and during debate shall confine himself to the subject under consideration, and shall avoid all personalities.
The Seal of the Lodge shall be a circular impression representing an open Bible, with Square and Compasses thereon, and the All-Seeing Eye above the Bible, the whole to be surrounded with the legend. "St. Matthew's Lodge, Instituted 1922."
These By-Laws shall not be altered, amended, or repealed, unless a proposition therefore has been made in writing, and read in open Lodge specifying the Section to be altered or amended; nor until that purpose, at least one Regular Communication before the proposed alteration or amendment comes up for final action, and a notice thereof having been given to the members; nor even then, unless two-thirds of the members present vote in the affirmative. (Amended 6/8/15)