Recommended Reading List

From the Brothers Library

Enjoyable “Read First” books

American Freemasons by Mark A. Tabbert

Freemasonry in Massachusetts: Members’ Handbook by Grand Lodge of Mass. 

The Freemasons by Jasper Ridley

Symbolism and Philosophy 

The Builders by Joseph Fort Newton

Introduction to Freemasonry by Carl Claudy. 3 vols.

The Lodge and the Craft by Rollin Blackmer

The Meaning of Masonry by Walter Wilmshurst

Revelations of a Square by George Oliver

The Way of the Craftsman by Kirk MacNulty


Colonial Freemasonry by West-Cook

Freemasons at Gettysburg by Munn

Stalwart Builders (Grand Lodge of Massachusetts) by T.S. Roy

The History of St. Matthew’s Lodge by Robert A. Domingue


Robert Burns-the Freemason, Weir, ed.

Paul Revere and Freemasonry by Edith Steblicki

Albert Pike: the Man behind the Monument by James Tresner

How to borrow books

Members of the Lodge may sign books out for a period of 30 days. We will mail or deliver books to members who are unable to get to Lodge. Email R.W. Rick Nowell at